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Non-Recurring Annual Membership
No Age Requirement- Newsletter via Email
Annual Membership
No Age Requirement - Newsletter via USPS
Why Join The Flamingo Wing Association (FWA)?
We all have stories to tell. And sometimes a considerable portion of those stories involve the United States Military. From early morning formation and roll call to a weekend bivouac somewhere on the base, there was a unique and somewhat eerie feeling about a two-day UTA. Sometimes a unit wide inspection of our overall capabilities would be our substitute for a weekend of golf, fishing or just doing nothing.
Yes, we had to be away from our kids, our spouses and even our honey-do lists, yet they played integral, behind-the-scenes parts in our patriotic stories. The camaraderie and lasting friendship gained for a lifetime were well worth the time spent polishing boots, getting a military haircut, and even standing in line. Besides the grass could always wait till next weekend.
Please come share your story with us. We would love to hear it… provided you listen to ours, of course.
Once each year, we unite all our members for our Annual FWA Reunion. We rehash our old stories with whomever will listen – again. We hold our annual membership meeting, share meals and recreational activities, and we spend precious time with old friends and meet new ones. But that’s not all we do. Throughout the year, members get together for activities ranging from enjoyable meals to fun outings, to important volunteer work. Here are some examples from our recent past.